- Facebook-Facebook makes its income by the ads you see. Companies pay Facebook money to put the ads up everywhere.
- tutsplus.com-tutsplus is a blogging website that makes there income off of membership fees.
- The Huffington Post- The Huffington Post is a blogging website. The website is pay per click website. So to read these blogs you have to pay a small fee.
- Ebay-Ebay makes its income off of what we call transaction fees. Ebay lets everyone list their first 50 items on there for free then they will start charging you.
- Amazon-Amazon makes its money in many different ways. Third party sellers will pay Amazon to put there money on there website because of the cheaper shipping costs. Amazon also has there prime memberships where customers get things at a better deal but has to pay for prime membership.
- Beezid- Beezid is a auction website where you pay for bid tokens. You use those tokens to keep biding on items. People can get very addicted to get this way of shopping.
- Google-Googles incomes comes from three different main sources. Which are called Google Adwords and Google adsense. Advertising is still what mainly brings in the income.
- MSN-MSN uses advertising as its main income resource.
- Yahoo-Yahoo uses Advertising as its main income. Major Companies all over the world send yahoo money for putting them in there search results.
- Academic Earth- Academic makes there income by linking to paid learning courses for a range of universities.
- Ted Education-TED makes their income through conference attendance fees,sponsorship, foundation support, licensing fees and book sales.
- Chattahoocheetech.edu-Chattahoocheetech.edu makes there money by having online classes that students pay for.
- YouTube-YouTube makes there money from the YouTubers the people that get all of the views on their videos. YouTube takes a tax out of there checks and makes their main source of income that way.
- Twitch.tv-Twitch income is actually quite funny. So when you watch the streamer(the person on the video) the person will play an ad and twitch will get money for that ad depending on how many viewers are watching that person.
- Spotify-Spotify signs contracts with different music artist to play there music on the website. They also have memberships you can sign up for and pay for every month.